comScore Media Metrix has released its list of the top 50 visited Websites in the U.S. for the month of June. Although much of the list is easily predictable given recent and upcoming events, it’s interesting nonetheless to see where Web traffic is going on a daily basis.
The upcoming World Series of Poker shot traffic to online gambling sites up 13% to 12.5 visitors; while the beginning of summer vacation resulted in traffic to online gaming sites increasing 8% to 64 million visitors (kids need to occupy their time somehow, right?) As adults begin planning summer getaways, hotel/resort Websites saw an 8% gain to 34.6 million visitors.
“Hollywood-type” entertainment news has a very significant effect on Web traffic: such Websites saw 7% growth to 42.1 million visitors. This was due largely to “breaking” news stories (and I use that term lightly) like Paris Hilton’s “unexpected” early release from jail. The alleged murder/suicide saga with WWE member Chris Benoit and his family led to a whopping 117% increase to the WWE Website, which reached 8.4 million visitors during the month. Pride month resulted in a 23% jump in visitors to gay/lesbian sites, which rose to 3 million for the month.
Not surprisingly, topping the overall list for the month of June was Yahoo! sites, with more than 133 million visitors; followed closely by Google sites and Time Warner network, both at upwards of 123 million visitors.
Rounding out the top 10 are (in this order): Microsoft sites (116 million); Fox Interactive Media (83 million); eBay (81 million); Amazon sites (53 million); Ask Network (52 million); Wikipedia sites (47 million); and Apple Inc. (44 million). Apple’s position in the ranking is expected, given the tremendous buzz surrounding the iPhone launch last month.
Other interesting entrants include The Weather Channel (No. 13); Facebook (20); and Wal-Mart (21). It’s intriguing that a social networking Website beat out the world’s largest retailer, albeit not by much: Facebook narrowly inched Wal-Mart out for the 20th spot by a mere 43,000 visitors. It will be interesting see how the numbers fall for the month of July.
Click here to view the full top 50 list.
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